Made this one for my niece/nephew !
This is a snowball fight in an arena, first to 10 points wins. Don't fall in the icy-water!

Designed for Windows with game controllers, up to 4 players locally. 

Browser version is modified to load quicker than desktop version, if controllers don't work, try a different browser.

Xbox controller start instructions:
Press 'Start' to join (or 'Back' to drop out). Up/down to switch options, left right to select. 'A' with Ready selected to ready-up.

Game controls:

LS: Move (aim)

X: Throw a snowball!

A: Jump

Alternate PC controls (1st player controlled): WASD, F (throw), Space (jump), Enter/Backspace (start/back). Added this for those that wish to explore the arena a bit solo.

All models, textures, animation, sounds, code, map, designs by me!


Download 73 MB

Install instructions

For Windows: 

Download the zip, extract.
Run Snowfight.exe

Development log